How to prepare for divorce?

How to prepare for divorce?

In preparing for a divorce, we recommend the following steps – Get your paperwork together. Don’t worry if you can’t gather everything right away; just get what you can to help you with step 2. Start with finding your latest tax statement, and...

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10 Steps to Divorce Without Litigation

10 Steps to Divorce Without Litigation

Well, you’ve come to the decision that you have to divorce and you really want to get through this as peacefully as possible without spending your life savings. Just remember that as long as you and your spouse are in agreement, you can pretty much...

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What You Really Lose When You “Go After” Your Spouse in Divorce

What You Really Lose When You “Go After” Your Spouse in Divorce

You. Are. Enraged.  You want to “get” your spouse and make them truly miserable. Hurting them will most assuredly make you feel better and set things right for the next chapter in your life. Hitting them in the wallet and their relationship with...

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Cindy Elwell
Founder, Divorce With Dignity

I believe that we are much better off making our own decisions about our private lives, instead of leaving it in the hands of the legal system.
