You. Are. Enraged. You want to “get” your spouse and make them truly miserable. Hurting them will most assuredly make you feel better and set things right for the next chapter in your life. Hitting them in the wallet and their relationship with...
Divorce With Dignity Blog: Navigating the Journey with Grace
Achieve A Peaceful Divorce, Create The Life You Want
There is no denying that going through a divorce is one of the biggest transitions in a person’s life. How do you not only get through a difficult divorce, but then rebuild your life after divorce? Sara Crain, Psychotherapist...
A Divorce With Dignity Experience
Spending Valentine’s Day alone (whether physically, mentally, or both) or in a tense and awkward situation (because your sweetheart relationship isn’t so sweet this year) surely is not the end of the world, but if this day and the lead up to it is...
Are You Preparing for a Tense or Solo Valentine’s Day?
Spending Valentine’s Day alone (whether physically, mentally, or both) or in a tense and awkward situation (because your sweetheart relationship isn’t so sweet this year) surely is not the end of the world, but if this day and the lead up to it is...
Working on Your Relationship — Even After You’re Divorced
So, you’ve finally finalized your divorce; so, doesn’t that mean that having to work on your relationship with that person is finally over? If you don’t have children (or a shared network of friends and family or other “entanglements” outside of...
Is it time to break the news?
The new year is almost upon us, and if you’ve decided to pursue a divorce, you may want to have the difficult conversation and get your divorce filed now, before the full onslaught of filings that come every January. Divorce, however, is not...
Timing Your Looming Divorce Around the Holidays
You’ve finally decided to pursue divorce — but now another holiday season is upon you. So, do you start the process now and avoid another strained sit-down dinner and forced niceties around the tree, Menorah, or Yule log — or do you wait until...
Does Divorce Have to Mean Financial Ruin?
If the reason you’ve been putting off your divorce is your fear of financial ruin, then you may want to keep reading. Yes, divorce can be very expensive and is very difficult emotionally and life-altering, but it does not mean that it has to lead...
Interview with the Founder of Divorce with Dignity: Cindy Elwell
I recently had the pleasure of doing an interview with Susan Regan, MFT for her “Make-Up or Break-Up” Community Project, designed to help people get the resources and support they need to either work on or move on from their relationships. We spoke...
Why September is the Biggest Month (After January) for Divorce
When the stress of preparing for the new school year (and this year’s new and unprecedented schooling demands) hits, following 6-8 weeks of more “quality time” spent together over the summer, a shaky marriage will often see their issues come to a...