How to Take Care of Yourself after Divorce

Feb 23, 2022 | Emotional Effects of Divorce, Life After Divorce

Whether you are mid-way through the divorce process or have only recently come to the decision to separate – Valentine’s Day was likely a difficult mark on your calendar. Regardless of whether or not you often celebrated the Hallmark-Movie of holidays, being alone at a time where everyone is celebrating their relationships and plastering their love all over social media can be incredibly difficult, isolating, and hard to process.

However, it does not have to be! Here are some top tips that you can use to guide you through this difficult time and take better care of yourself during the divorce process. 

Remember that love comes in many forms. 

While we are often taught to view love as something romantic, shared between partners or spouses, remember that there are a lot more forms of love in your life that you can celebrate at this time. For example, you can celebrate the love you share with your family, close friends, and your children. These forms of love are just as valid as any relationship you have experienced. 

Stay away from social media. 

While there are many benefits to social media, logging out when you aren’t feeling your best is a great way to protect your inner peace. This is because it stops you from comparing your experience to that of others and allows you to dedicate your precious time and energy elsewhere. However, it is also important to remember that social media is not a reflection of real life – we only post our best moments for the world to see and not everything that happens behind the scenes. So, even if it looks like others are living their best lives while you’re struggling – it’s likely not the case. 

Focus on self-care. 

Focusing on yourself is a great way to pass the time moving forward, especially if you’re spending more time alone than ever before. Remember, the longest relationship you will have in your life is with yourself – and spending time working on this will never be wasted time. In fact, learning to love yourself will help you know your worth and navigate any future relationships moving forward. It will also help you build your confidence and give you the chance to re-discover the joy of spending time alone. During this time, it’s also crucial that you reach out to those around you if you need help or support. Remember, there is always someone willing to listen to what you have to say. 

Plan a fun activity on the day. 

Finding other ways to spend your time is a great way to navigate your life as a recently-divorced single, and thankfully there are plenty of options for you to consider. For example, you could plan a fun day out for you and your children or try out an activity or hobby you have always wanted to participate in. To put it simply, give yourself the opportunity to have fun and make the most out of a day that would otherwise have caused you to feel stressed.

Remember why you made the decision to divorce.

When you are surrounded by people discussing all things romance, it’s easy for you to begin to question the decisions that have left you in this position in the first place. However, in doing so – you should remember why you decided to get divorced in the first place. You deserve to be happy and content, and your previous relationship was not meeting your needs or standards, meaning that it was time to move on to new beginnings

Cindy Elwell
Founder, Divorce With Dignity

I believe that we are much better off making our own decisions about our private lives, instead of leaving it in the hands of the legal system.
