
Divorce With Dignity Blog: Navigating the Journey with Grace

My Spouse Did Not Want A Divorce

My Spouse Did Not Want A Divorce

A client whom I’ll call John came into our office just before the holidays and he was very distressed and didn’t know what to do. He really felt that he needed to divorce but his wife did not want the divorce and she was very upset about the whole...

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Top 5 Benefits of a Peaceful Divorce

Top 5 Benefits of a Peaceful Divorce

1. You retain your dignity and are able to part not hating each other. Breaking up is hard to do whether you’ve been together for 1 year or more than 20 years; the main difference is how we choose to go through the process and ask for help. If you...

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Divorce with Dignity? Really?

Divorce with Dignity? Really?

“No way!” he said. “Just can’t happen.” This was the response I got when I tried to explain the Divorce with Dignity Network and it’s vision to a friend, who is still reeling from the aftermath of a divorce that was final 3 years ago. I am divorced...

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Cindy Elwell
Founder, Divorce With Dignity

I believe that we are much better off making our own decisions about our private lives, instead of leaving it in the hands of the legal system.
