I recently came across an article on the Huffington Post entitled “10 Signs Your Kid Is Handling Divorce in a Positive Way”, written by Rosalind Sedacca. I thought she made some great points on this important and helpful topic. I’ve summarized a...
When To Seek Therapy For A Divorce Process
Divorce With Dignity is a divorce facilitation service with the goal of getting people through their divorce in a holistic, cooperative, peaceful, and cost-effective way. One of the benefits we offer our clients is referrals for additional services...
Sometimes love isn’t all you need
This article is reprinted with permission of Joann Babiak, Attorney and Mediator, helps people in the greater SF Bay Area to address family law and small business needs. Email her at jubabiak@aol.com It’s becoming common for older people in...
Where Will I Live During My Divorce?
One of the difficult decisions to make during a divorce is where the spouses will live, both during the divorce and after. Granted, it’s not easy to live with someone once you’ve decided to divorce. But it might be a financial and logistical...
Amicable Divorce Trend Among Celebrities
Celebrities are often trend-setters, and one of these trends that we wholeheartedly support is amicable divorce (also known as peaceful divorce), without litigation. We recently wrote about Courteney Cox and David Arquette and how they are modeling...
Temporary Spousal Support Pending Divorce Judgment
In California, once a divorce is filed, temporary spousal support can be paid by the higher earning spouse to the lower earning spouse on a monthly basis at a dollar amount which will maintain the supported spouse at the same or similar living...
What Kind Of Financial Support Can Help Me In My Divorce?
Divorce can bring up a lot of financial issues – property division, child and spousal support, and figuring out how to live on one income instead of two. You may have some questions or concerns, such as: What constitutes marital property? How do...
Reducing The Cost Of Divorce With Professional Planning
Attorney Alan Mikshansky, our Divorce With Dignity affiliate owner in Sacramento County, CA, offers Family Law services related to divorce planning and facilitation, divorce coaching, and spouse/child support. One of his goals is to help people...
Do You Believe In Amicable Divorce?
People don’t often associate the word “amicable” with divorce, but we are hearing about amicable divorces in the news quite a lot these days. Some examples of celebrities who have managed to divorce without rancor and drama are Ashlee Simpson &...
Making The Divorce Decision
Divorce is a scary and overwhelming thing. Sometimes people know they are unhappy in their marriage, but have trouble deciding what to do about it. Should they stick with the “known”, or jump into the unknown territory of divorce? How does one go...