Peer mediation is a common technique used to settle many kinds of disputes, from problems in the classroom to issues in the workplace and many other cases as well. One of the areas where mediation is most commonly used is in cases of divorce. It...
Divorce With Dignity Blog: Navigating the Journey with Grace
How To Survive The Holidays While Going Through a Divorce
Going through a divorce is stressful enough, but when the holidays roll around the stress can be greatly intensified. Who will the children spend the holidays with? How will you cope with the emphasis on family during this time of year, when yours...
California Courts: Self-Help Resources For Divorce
Getting a divorce is an intimidating prospect. It can be an expensive one as well. For those who cannot afford attorney fees, there are ways to get the divorce without hiring lawyers to litigate in court. One of those ways is do-it-yourself...
Annulment vs. Divorce: Is Divorce Really The Answer?
The question of annulment vs. divorce is one that many couples face every day. It can be extremely painful to end a marriage no matter which way you choose to go about it, but the choice you make should be well thought out and agreed upon by both...
Divorce Without Court: Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner
After 10 years of marriage, Hollywood couple Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner announced they will be divorcing. The following joint statement was released on June 30, 2015, one day after they celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary. “After much...
Attorney or Mediation: The Best Way To Go Through A Divorce
How to file for divorce is one of the first things couples that suddenly find themselves at an emotional impasse may wonder about. The answer may be more complicated than you think. There is actually more than one option open to couples who are...
Common Reasons For Divorce
The reasons for divorce can vary from couple to couple. Sometimes it’s as simple as realizing that you just can’t live together comfortably; other times it’s something much more serious such as once spouse cheating on the other. Whatever the case,...
Dealing With Divorce: Some Helpful Hints
What is divorce? That’s a good question and one that many couples don’t stop to consider closely enough before jumping into the process. In legal terms, divorce is the legal action taken to bring about the dissolution of a marriage. In other words,...
Find A Lawyer: The First Step To Divorce
Once you know the different types of lawyers available, you will be better prepared should you find yourself considering the option of divorce. But knowing which type of lawyer you need and finding the right lawyer for you are two different things....
Is No Fault Divorce The Right Type For You?
No-fault divorce is the quickest, easiest and least complicated way to dissolve a marriage, but that doesn’t mean it is always right for every couple. Before you decide to file this way, it is important to at least consider all the options, discuss...