November Is Family Stories Month: Here’s how to celebrate it.

Nov 1, 2022 | Amicable Divorce and Conflict Resolution, Blog, Divorce Process, Is It Time To Divorce?, Life After Divorce

Family relationships have been cherished and valued throughout history. For example, some of the earliest cave drawings depict families or similar social groupings, and this creative pursuit has been uncovered to be “a family-orientated group activity rather than the work of individual males” as once believed. 

Throughout history and right into the present day: every family has a story – a story of lineage, memories, struggles and sacrifices, great highs and great lows. As November is Family Stories month – we thought we’d share with you the importance of delving into your own family story today. 

This may feel as though a difficult or overwhelming task should be in the process of going through a divorce; after all, your family story has taken an unexpected twist – but that could just mean that the next adventure is all the more exciting. Embracing your story with your children is a great way to process what has happened – and find the light in dark times before starting on your new chapter. With that in mind, here are some simple ways in which you can celebrate your #familystory this month!

Share positive memories with your children.

The easiest way to celebrate family stories month is by taking a trip down memory lane with your children. For example, you could dig up old albums or scrapbooks and talk about the happy times you’ve shared together as a family. Or, you could ask them to share some of their favorite memories. Having both parents present for this conversation will show your kids that while things are changing, that doesn’t mean you aren’t still connected. It proves that you’ll both still be there for them – and that it’s just that the shape of your family is changing a little. It will also give you the chance to work on developing a friendship with your ex-partner / new co-parent. 

Talk about how every family is different.

Family means something different to each and every person; for example, some people may grow up in a rather traditional household, while others experience the love of step-parents, or half-siblings too. Many may consider their friends to be family as opposed to those they’re related to by blood. This is an important thing to remember on days when you’re sad about the changes that are occurring – as family is never far away. Talking about these differences with your children will also help them learn the same lesson, which could help them to better process what is happening. 

Start making new memories.

Another way in which you can celebrate Family Stories month with your children is by focusing on making new memories. For example, you could head on a family day out to somewhere you’ve never been to before, or even just have fun at home. Either way, focus on spending more quality time together. 

Remember, your divorce is a fresh start – the first page in a new story or novel. This means that endless adventure and excitement await you; you just need to be ready to turn the page. 

If you’re ready for your new beginning, but want to separate from your partner peacefully – we’re here to help. Get in touch with a Provider to find out more.

Cindy Elwell
Founder, Divorce With Dignity

I believe that we are much better off making our own decisions about our private lives, instead of leaving it in the hands of the legal system.
