National Month Of Hope: Top Tips For Being More Hopeful In Hard Times.

Apr 4, 2023 | Amicable Divorce and Conflict Resolution, Blog, Divorce Process

Many people who are going through a divorce feel a certain sense of hopelessness – even if they instigated the process themselves. This is due to the fact that we poured so much time, energy, and spirit into maintaining a relationship, only for it to not pay off in the way in which we’d hoped. 

White disheartening, it’s important we’re able to process this loss in a more positive way. After all, things will always work out, even if the end result is a little different to the one we originally expected – and there’s a lot of hope to be had when you capitalize upon this. 

With that in mind, here are some top tips that you can use to remain more hopeful when going through a divorce. 

Keep it peaceful. 

A peaceful divorce is much gentler on your mind and spirit than going after your partner in court. This is because it allows you to protect your peace, as you do not feel as though you are spending every minute fighting with your partner, whether you’re discussing the division of assets or childcare. 

This will enable you to maintain a more positive mindset throughout the entire divorce process, which will leave you feeling more hopeful for the future. By parting ways peacefully, you are also creating a sense of hope for any future relationships you embark upon, as you can see that even when people grow apart, you can still maintain some of that respect and love you built throughout your time together. 

Don’t bury your emotions. 

Burying your emotions or trying to sweep them under the rug will not make them go away. In fact, it will only allow them to strengthen into something worse, which in turn, can leave you feeling pretty hopeless.

As such, it’s important that you find a healthy outlet for your emotions during your divorce. Reach out to a trusted friend or family member, and simply let yourself talk openly and freely about how you are feeling. Alternatively, you may wish to speak to a therapist who can help you better understand your emotions and put coping mechanisms in place. 

Giving yourself the freedom to feel will allow more positive emotions to come to the surface of your mind, as you no longer feel as though you are running from negativity. 

Count your blessings.

When surrounded by negativity, it’s easy to lose hope. However, by reminding yourself of everything you have to be thankful for in life, you can begin to feel a little more hopeful as you move forward. 

Take a look at the people that are rallying around you to offer their support at this time, or those who make you smile even on your worst days. These people alone advocate for staying hopeful and staying positive. 

Furthermore, instead of thinking about the things you are losing during the divorce, think about what you are gaining. For example, you are gaining the freedom to put yourself and your needs first – whether that means you embark upon new relationships or simply dedicate some time to your hobbies and interests. 

Think of it this way: when going through a divorce, you aren’t only starting a new chapter, you’re writing a whole new book! 

Final Thoughts. 

If you’re going through a divorce, it’s important to know that you are not alone. Together, we can help you stay positive as you move forward on this brand new adventure. 

Get in touch with a Provider near you today to find out more. 

Cindy Elwell
Founder, Divorce With Dignity

I believe that we are much better off making our own decisions about our private lives, instead of leaving it in the hands of the legal system.
