Because every divorce is unique, Divorce With Dignity takes a holistic approach to helping our clients through the divorce process. In addition to our work with clients to help them resolve issues, work out fair divorce settlements, and to assist...
Is Divorce The Right Decision For You?
Many people who are considering divorce or separation have trouble making the decision. Maybe this is something you are going through right now. You may feel unhappy in your marriage, but afraid of the unknown – deciding to divorce can be scary....
Divorce And Money: Getting A Fresh Start
One of the benefits we offer at Divorce With Dignity is unlimited referrals to services that our clients may need to help them through various aspects of their divorce. Besides the financial issues of deciding who gets what, money problems often...
How To Get Through Romantic Holidays While Going Through Divorce
What does a romantic holiday such as Valentine’s Day conjure up in your mind? If you are going through a divorce, it might be a sense of loss, anger, or anxiety (or all three) that looms over you as the day approaches. At Divorce With Dignity...
Seal and Heidi Klum To Divorce With Dignity
Last year, Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony split up and are working out an amicable divorce. This year, Seal and Heidi Klum have also decided to end their marriage and are aiming for a “divorce with dignity”, read the article here. “Divorcing with...
Life After Divorce: Finding Your Wings
A divorce can leave you with lots of different feelings to deal with. Loneliness, emptiness, depression, feeling unengaged in life, feeling stuck – all are common results of the life upheaval a divorce puts you through. At Divorce With Dignity...
Divorce Negotiating Tips – 7 Do’s and Don’ts
For those seeking a collaborative and peaceful divorce, negotiation skills are essential to effective conflict resolution. Successful negotiations take planning, preparation, and a desire to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement. Here are some...
What Is Collaborative Divorce?
There are two ways this term is used. It is a term for a legal process, but can also be used to indicate any method used to go through the divorce process without going to divorce court. When referred to as a legal process, collaborative divorce...
Unhappy Marriage vs. Amicable Divorce
Deciding whether or not to give up on a marriage is one of the most difficult decisions people may have to face in their lives. But it is something most married people have probably contemplated at one time or another. Between 40-50 percent of...
How to Negotiate with Your Spouse
Once the decision to divorce has been made, sooner or later you and your spouse will need to come to an agreement on various issues. This is true no matter what method of divorce you use (litigated, mediated, collaborative divorce, etc.). You may...