While February may be primarily associated with Valentine's Day, the entire month tends to center itself around romance. This can be difficult for those who are newly single or experiencing a divorce, given that romance may be the last thing on...
Get To Know Gina Lee
Divorce With Dignity is a national network of divorce support professionals who focus on guiding you through the process of a peaceful divorce. That is a divorce that is cost-effective, safe, and as easy as possible for all parties involved. As...
How To Turn Your Resolutions Into Intentions In 2023
It's hard to believe a new year is already upon us. And, whether you're sad or happy to bid goodbye to 2022, you've likely already begun working on your goals for 2023. While 62% of women and 53% of men aimed to set New Year's Resolutions for the...
January Is Self-Love Month: Here’s How To Take Care Of Yourself.
What is Self-Love Month? According to National Today, “Self-Love Month is a time to appreciate yourself and invest time in conscious physical, spiritual, and psychological growth. It involves prioritizing your happiness and well-being.” As the...
National Call a Friend Day
Did you know that the 28th of December is National Call A Friend Day? This holiday, nestled in between Christmas and New Year, "reminds us all to take a few minutes, pick up the phone, and call that friend you've been meaning to get back in touch...
December: Month of Giving
December is often described as “the month of giving.” During this period, not only do charitable donations rise, but we also hand out plenty of gifts to friends, family, and loved ones. However, if you’re going through a divorce during the...
How to Take Care of Yourself after Divorce
Whether you are mid-way through the divorce process or have only recently come to the decision to separate - Valentine’s Day was likely a difficult mark on your calendar. Regardless of whether or not you often celebrated the Hallmark-Movie of...
The 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Considering a Divorce
As a Divorce With Dignity divorce support professional, I have conferred with many people considering divorce, and have noticed some common mistakes. Here are the top five mistakes, and ways to avoid them to the benefit of all involved. Failing to...
How Can I Be Grateful If I’m Going Through a Divorce?
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, you may not be feeling in the mood for your usual festivities; after all, if you and your spouse have realized that you are headed for divorce, you may feel as though you don’t have much reason to...
Choosing Independence Over An Unhappy Dependent Marriage
Even when you are in an unhappy marriage, deciding to divorce is never easy. It is all the more difficult when you feel emotionally or financially dependent on your spouse. Fear of being unable to take care of yourself without the help of your...