Living through a divorce can feel like a horrible parody of a Hallmark movie, especially during February. All around are images of hearts and flowers and happy couples, and here you are, ending all the things that the commercials are telling you...
Divorce With Dignity Blog: Navigating the Journey with Grace
Nurturing Resilience: Integrating Emotional Support Practices with Mediation in Divorce
Written by Shilpa Kapoor, Psy.D., M.S., M.A. Divorce With Dignity - Contra Costa Provider The decision to pursue a divorce is among the most challenging and emotionally taxing experiences an individual can face. As the owner of Divorce With Dignity...
Beyond Courtrooms: Exploring the Benefits of an “Amicable Divorce”
Nobody wants to get a divorce. In situations when it becomes inevitable, it’s much better to have one where everyone gets what they want with a minimum of pain and arguing and can walk away without going back to court over and over again. The...
First Holiday After Divorce: Ways to Make it Work
Holidays are often a stressful time, even when things are running smoothly. There are travel plans to make, winter breaks from school to coordinate, and parties to attend (or avoid). It can be twice as difficult when, for the first time, you find...
Having a Thankful Thanksgiving
Holidays are hard for anyone having relationship troubles. If you divorced in the past year, this will be the first major holiday to navigate without your former spouse. You may have custody orders to deal with, and for the first time, maybe you’re...
Making Your Way Through The Halloween Maze
Halloween is coming up! For most parents, the biggest fear is that the kids will eat too much candy and be too wound up to sleep. For some parents, they’ll be worrying about letting a child go out with the non-custodial parent. For others, it may...
When the Kids are Gone…Thinking About Yourselves
Summers are full of family, friends, and kids. You and your spouse may have noticed you were having trouble, but there wasn’t time to really think about it; there were too many other things going on. Arguments and anger got pushed aside for...
How To Help Your Child Adjust To Life After Divorce
As an adult, picking yourself up after a divorce can be challenging, even if you’re excited about the prospect of a fresh start. As such, it's important to reflect on how this change can impact your child so that you’re able to provide them with...
Focus on Family: Five fun things to do with your kids during a divorce
August is Family Fun Month, a reminder to spend quality time with your family during the golden hour of summer – before the chaos of regular school-time life ensues. Though during the divorce process, this goal may feel nearly impossible to...
How To Make Divorce ‘Easier’ On Your Children
July is National Child-Centred Divorce Month, which means it is the perfect time to delve into the ways in which you can protect and care for your child during the divorce process. To begin with, of course, it's important to challenge the idea that...