The Role Of Therapy And Counselling When Going Through A Divorce

Oct 5, 2022 | Amicable Divorce and Conflict Resolution, Blog, Divorce Process

No matter how prepared you may feel when going through a divorce, there’s no denying that it can take its toll on your emotional well-being. 

After all, once the paperwork and procedures are out of the way, you’re left with your thoughts for the first time in a long time. As a result, it’s only natural to feel a range of emotions, from anger to elation, from relief to sadness. Sometimes, you can feel all of these at once throughout every step of the process.

While this ‘turbulence’ is a perfectly natural response to change, you must take care of your emotional well-being during this time. When going through divorce proceedings, this will help you process what is happening and reduce the chances of you lashing out because you are hurt. As such, it can help you avoid unnecessary tension and keep your divorce out of court. After a divorce, it can help you begin to move on and build a new life for yourself. 

The first thing to remember in this instance is that you are not alone. Everyone who has experienced a divorce has felt this way at one point or another – and they’ve come out on the other side. Like a storm, the rain will eventually subside and you’ll be left with clear skies. 

However, you also do not (and should not) wait for these feelings to go away on their own. Instead, you should make use of the various resources available to you during this time that can help you gain a better understanding of your emotions – such as through therapy and counseling.


Therapy & Counseling and divorce. 

There are many benefits associated with attending therapy or counseling at any stage in your life. These sessions can: 

Provide you with a safe space to vent, or open up, without fear or worry of judgment. 

Provide you with the tools you need to better understand your emotions, allowing for greater clarity of thought.

Provide you with the insight you need to challenge negative thinking, stress, and anxiety. 

Provide you with the tools and coping strategies you need to move forward. 


When going through a divorce, there are various different types of therapy sessions you may want to participate in. 

For example, couples therapy is designed to improve relationships by helping people gain a better understanding of the person sitting on the other side of the table. It does not necessarily need to be viewed as a method of reconciliation (i.e., getting back together), but can instead provide you with the opportunity to end things on good terms with your partner. When you understand each other’s behavior, you’ll likely feel much more peaceful and relaxed. You’ll no longer feel the need to “go after” each other, and may even be able to develop a friendship in the future. To put it simply, it can help you find the sense of closure you are subconsciously craving.

Family therapy or counseling sessions can be healing for the whole family, including young children who may not fully understand what a divorce is or what it means. Many of those who attend these sessions find them to be incredibly healing. 

Attending one-to-one therapy facilitates emotional growth and a deeper understanding of your thoughts and feelings. As such, it can be a great way to deal with any of the emotions that are stirred up before, during, or after your divorce – helping you move towards a brighter future with your head held high. It can be a great way to rediscover who you are. 


Introducing Dr. Shilpa Kapoor

We’d like to take this as an opportunity to introduce you to Dr. Shilpa Kapoor. Shilpa is a licensed psychologist, trauma therapist and relationship expert who often lends her services to those going through a divorce. She works to help her patients “tackle unhelpful thinking patterns, find buried and under-utilized strengths, focus on problem-solving and growth, strengthen connections with others, and ultimately rediscover themselves through learning new things and viewing themselves in newer and healthier ways”. 

Think about your time with Shilpa as pressing the “reset” button – giving you a fresh slate to work on moving forward. We’re also pleased to announce that from January 2023, Shilpa will be joining us as a DWD provider! 


Cindy Elwell
Founder, Divorce With Dignity

I believe that we are much better off making our own decisions about our private lives, instead of leaving it in the hands of the legal system.
