Starting The Divorce Process: A Client Interview

Apr 13, 2012 | Dealing with Divorce Lawyers, Divorce Process

As difficult as it may be for a couple to decide that it’s time to end their marriage, it is often just the beginning of a grueling divorce process that saps their money and energy, and seems to drag on forever. That is, if they decide to go through the divorce using litigation and divorce lawyers. However, if they choose a divorce with dignity and agree to work things out cooperatively, the divorce can be achieved much faster, with less stress, and for much less cost.

We spoke with one of our past clients who we’ll call “Claire” (not her real name), and asked her to tell us how it felt for her and her ex-husband to start and get through their divorce with dignity process, allowing each of them to get their needs taken care of and  move on to their “new beginnings”.

Claire was referred to Divorce With Dignity ( by a friend who had been assisted by us and had been very pleased with the results. She also liked that Divorce With Dignity is community-based, not based on conflict, and could help her achieve her divorce at a reasonable cost.

In this process, she found a few things that surprised her. When she and her husband met with their Divorce With Dignity provider to discuss what issues needed to be resolved, she told them that they were “in throwing distance” of what they each wanted.

“She explained that we could try to work things out in her office, or she would refer them to a mediator for the issues that were still unresolved, or as a last resort they would have to go the more costly and antagonistic litigation route. She also mentioned that she had worked with people who were much further apart than we were on the issues, and she was still able to get them to work things out. That really surprised us and made us realize we could do that, too. She emphasized what was agreed on instead of what was not agreed on. Based on that, we felt more comfortable moving forward.”

They also found the Divorce With Dignity approach surprising. “I expected to spend thousands and thousands of dollars, and that I would be totally burned. Instead, I found a sense of fairness. My husband thought he would ‘get screwed’, but that wasn’t the case. Our provider helped us get in touch with our values and helped us work things out in a way that was fair to both of us.”

One more thing took them by surprise. “I had been to a divorce attorney who told me it would take a minimum of a year to do the divorce. But with Divorce With Dignity, it only took about five months from start to finish.”

When asked if she would recommend Divorce With Dignity to someone considering divorce she answered, “Yes, and I actually have referred a lot of people. It’s an ethical service, unlike most services which are based on profit and have no vested interest in your coming to an agreement that is best for you.”

If you would like to learn more about achieving a cooperative and peaceful divorce, please contact us at Getting a divorce doesn’t have to cost you lots of time and money. Let us help you get through your divorce – with dignity!

The author of this blog is not an attorney and the information contained in these blogs should not be considered legal advice. The information provided here is based on the experience of the author and some of her clients whose actual names are not mentioned.  Do not hesitate to seek the advice of an attorney if you have any legal questions.

Cindy Elwell
Founder, Divorce With Dignity

I believe that we are much better off making our own decisions about our private lives, instead of leaving it in the hands of the legal system.
