Reminder: Divorces Do Not Have To Take Place On The Battlefield.

Jun 27, 2023 | Amicable Divorce and Conflict Resolution, Blog, Emotional Effects of Divorce

According to a recent study, 50% of marriages in the US end in divorce. While this may seem to be a daunting figure, it’s actually a positive reflection of our ability to advocate for ourselves and pursue happiness over remaining in a relationship that no longer serves us. 

However, despite this, many people are reluctant to get divorced as they fear the process will be drawn-out, expensive and fueled by negative emotions between the divorcing parties. Fortunately, this does not have to be the case.

In fact, divorcing your partner does not have to become a battleground where you compete to see who comes out better in the end – it can be a process that is guided by mutual respect and compassion, especially if you pursue a peaceful divorce. 

What is a peaceful divorce? 

As the name suggests, a peaceful divorce is a divorce process that is guided by a sense of compassion, peace and understanding. Instead of each party hiring an attorney and going after your partner in court, you can work with an experienced family law Provider to work through any complexities, such as the division of assets, child-custody agreements, and completing and signing the paperwork. If you do have any issues about which you’re not in agreement, you and your spouse can work with a mediator to sort those out before proceeding. 

What are some benefits of a peaceful divorce? 

There are many benefits associated with pursuing a peaceful divorce.

  • A ‘quicker’ process. According to a recent study, a “contested divorce can take anywhere from 9 months to years before a judgement of divorce can be signed.” Conversely, an uncontested divorce can proceed much quicker, as there’s less back-and-forth between attorneys and parties. This gives you both the chance to start anew, sooner rather than later. 
  • Lower costs. Peaceful divorces are usually more cost-effective, as they take up less time and resources. Furthermore, they’re often motivated by a shared sense of respect, which means you’re less likely to ‘go after’ your partner unfairly. 
  • Reduced stress. Going through a divorce can be stressful, given that it’s a major life change. However, an experienced Provider who takes a resourced, holistic approach can help you to reduce stress and emotional upset by avoiding stress-inducing complications.
  • The opportunity to maintain some kind of relationship outside of your divorce. While you may never be best friends with your ex ever again, going through a peaceful divorce could help you to preserve your relationship and remain part of each other’s lives in some capacity. This is particularly important if you’re going to be co-parenting. 

In short, pursuing a peaceful divorce allows you to protect both your well-being and best interests moving forward, making the divorce process a lot less time-consuming and stressful for all involved, and allowing you to make peace with this transition. 

If you’d like to find out more, please do not hesitate to get in touch with a Provider near you today. Many of our providers have themselves been through a divorce, so not only are they well-equipped to guide you through this process, but they also understand how difficult it can be to be in your situation and can put your mind at ease as you begin to move forward into the next stage of your life.

Cindy Elwell
Founder, Divorce With Dignity

I believe that we are much better off making our own decisions about our private lives, instead of leaving it in the hands of the legal system.
