Make any Divorce Better!

Sep 15, 2011 | Dealing with Divorce Lawyers

This is a book written by attorney, Ed Sherman, who’s the best-selling author of “How to Do Your Own Divorce.”  And Ed has some great advice for anyone considering divorce.  He gives you “specific steps to make things smoother, faster, less painful and save you a lot of money.”  And his advice is based on 35 years of experience with over 45,000 cases…

The first thing anyone considering divorce usually thinks about  is how they are going to hire an attorney to get them divorced.  Most people have no idea that you do not need an attorney to get divorced, in fact, using a family law attorney to assist you will most likely make your case worse instead of better according to Ed Sherman in his book.   He claims that your troubles are not legal, but problems with the relationship.  And  “the law has no tools to help solve relationship problems—none, not any—so attorneys you hire to take your case also lack tools to solve relationship problems…if you retain an attorney to represent you, to take your case, you will invariably end up in the legal system and things will get worse instead of better.”

Of course there are times when you need an attorney and he goes through that in his book.  So how do you get through the process without an attorney.  The important thing is to come to an agreement between the two of you; once you can do that, the rest is relatively easy.  You can use one of the following methods to help you:

  1. Do the forms yourself by using books and self-help resources—some of the books Ed Sherman has written are:  How to Do Your Own Divorce in California and How to do Your Own Divorce in Texas, has great books and your state’s government sites usually have a lot of self-help information,
  2. Legal document services
  3. Attorneys on a consulting basis—if you plan to do that approach, make sure you read his book first.
  4. Your local Divorce with Dignity office,   In fact, all our offices use Ed’s book as a resource to coach you if you need support.

But before you do anything, read the book, “Make Any Divorce Better”,

The author of this blog is not an attorney and the information contained in these blogs should not be considered legal advice. The information provided here is based on the experience of the author and some of her clients whose actual names are not mentioned.  Do not hesitate to seek the advice of an attorney if you have any legal questions.

Cindy Elwell
Founder, Divorce With Dignity

I believe that we are much better off making our own decisions about our private lives, instead of leaving it in the hands of the legal system.
