Kris And Bruce Jenner Opt For Peaceful Divorce

Oct 20, 2014 | Dealing with Divorce Lawyers, Divorce Process

There may be a lot of drama on the Keeping Up With the Kardashians reality show, but the family matriarch, Kris Jenner, and her Olympic gold medalist husband Bruce Jenner, have opted to keep the drama out of their divorce. Instead, they have chosen to work out a peaceful, cooperative divorce without adversarial litigation.

After 23 years of marriage, they have recently finalized their divorce, dividing up $60 million worth of joint accounts and properties. They cited “irreconcilable differences” as the reason for their split.

In spite of this, the couple have been able to retain a friendly and caring relationship. In an interview with PEOPLE, Kris explained, “We will always be the best of friends, because that’s the dynamic of our relationship…We definitely get along as a family and with the kids; we’re so connected in that way. We love each other.”

They will chare custody of their one minor child, Kylie, and will continue to co-parent both her and their 18-year-old daughter, Kendall. “We have families and memories and holidays and traditions. I don’t want to give that up,” Kris said in another PEOPLE interview. “I don’t want him to take that away from me, and I don’t want to take that away from him.”

Keeping the drama out of divorce is a smart way to promote a good relationship as ex-spouses move forward in their lives. Bitter struggles in divorce court can definitely ruin chances for a cooperative rapport in the future. I founded Divorce With Dignity on the belief that the needs of all family members  are best met when the divorcing couple can put aside animosity and focus on creating a negotiated, peaceful divorce that is fair and workable. I wanted to help people retain control over the decisions that will affect the rest of their lives rather than give that control over to the divorce lawyers and judges in divorce court.

Many people think divorce can only be achieved by each spouse hiring a lawyer and spending thousands of dollars and months or even years going through the court proceedings. This is far from the truth. Divorce With Dignity divorce facilitators can explain how the divorce process works, help our clients work out a divorce settlement, and assist them with filling out and filing the divorce papers – all for a lot less money and a lot less time. No need for expensive lawyers or a long, drawn-out procedure. Even if a client’s situation calls for legal consultation, the billable hours can be drastically reduced by a Limited Scope Representation agreement in which the attorney agrees to provide legal information and advice about your case without representing you in court. A Divorce With Dignity facilitator can then help you through the rest of the divorce process.

If you have decided that a peaceful divorce is the best choice for you, please visit our website and contact a Divorce With Dignity facilitator near you.

The author of this blog is not an attorney and the information contained in these blogs should not be considered legal advice. The information provided here is based on the experience of the author and some of her clients whose actual names are not mentioned.  Do not hesitate to seek the advice of an attorney if you have any legal questions.

Cindy Elwell
Founder, Divorce With Dignity

I believe that we are much better off making our own decisions about our private lives, instead of leaving it in the hands of the legal system.
