For someone who has recently gone through a divorce, the thought of dating after divorce can feel quite daunting and can bring up a whole slew of different emotions – fear, apprehension, low self-esteem, feeling “broken”, reluctance to trust...
Emotional Recovery After Divorce
For most people, a divorce is a traumatic event. The word “trauma” comes from Greek and means “a wound”. In the 19th century, a psychological definition was added to the word to mean “an unpleasant experience which causes abnormal stress”...
Does Divorce Scar Children For Life?
Children and divorce. We’ve all heard how devastating divorce can be for the children in the family. And many of us have known people in unhappy marriages who stay together “for the sake of the children”. They both want out of the marriage, but...
Why Do People Get Divorced?
When people get married, they’re usually thinking about love, harmony and joyful hope for the future. Certainly not divorce. So for those couples who have decided to divorce, what happened between the honeymoon and that decision? Why do people get...
What Will Retirement Look Like Now That I’m Divorced?
Retirement. You may have been planning it for years, working out how you and your spouse will manage it financially and how you’ll be spending your more abundant free time together. You’re nearing retirement age when all of a sudden you find...
Mariah Carey And Nick Cannon Divorce: Putting The Children First
Another celebrity couple calls it quits and opts for divorce; this time it’s singer Mariah Carey and America’s Got Talent host Nick Cannon. The couple were married on April 30, 2008, and exactly three years later they welcomed twins Monroe and...
Dealing With Child Custody Issues In Divorce
This article is contributed by Christine Marinkovich, our Divorce With Dignity owner affiliate in Broward County, Florida. As a divorce facilitator with the Divorce With Dignity Network, my role is to be a “library of resources” to those who are...
How To Tell If Your Kids Are Handling Divorce In A Healthy Way
I recently came across an article on the Huffington Post entitled “10 Signs Your Kid Is Handling Divorce in a Positive Way”, written by Rosalind Sedacca. I thought she made some great points on this important and helpful topic. I’ve summarized a...
When To Seek Therapy For A Divorce Process
Divorce With Dignity is a divorce facilitation service with the goal of getting people through their divorce in a holistic, cooperative, peaceful, and cost-effective way. One of the benefits we offer our clients is referrals for additional services...
Is Peaceful Divorce Possible?
In “traditional” divorce proceedings, the divorce lawyers for each side are trying to get the best possible deal for their client, setting up by default an adversarial situation. Contentions over custody, child support, finances, and property are...