Are You Preparing for a Tense or Solo Valentine’s Day?

Feb 12, 2021 | Amicable Divorce and Conflict Resolution, Blog, Is It Time To Divorce?

Spending Valentine’s Day alone (whether physically, mentally, or both) or in a tense and awkward situation (because your sweetheart relationship isn’t so sweet this year) surely is not the end of the world, but if this day and the lead up to it is shining a light on some of the harsh realities of your marriage, then it surely isn’t easy or fun to get through it. 

So, what does a distant or tense Valentine’s Day mean for your relationship? Is it an opportunity to get serious and work on things between you — or is it the final evidence that your relationship is a lost cause and it’s time to call it quits?

With so many expectations and pressure on holidays like this one, it’s no wonder that so many couples file for divorce shortly thereafter. It’s not always just the day either — sometimes it’s the realization that you can’t take a get-away together because finances are so tight (as usual), you can’t agree on something you’d like to do together, you know you’ll just fight the whole time, or you simply lack the desire to spend time alone together. 

So, maybe you can spend this day focusing on yourself instead — doing some reflection, self-care, and building yourself up a bit, so that you can face what the future holds — whether that means investing time and energy into rebuilding your relationship, or calling it quits.

Whichever way you’re feeling things will go, take some time to carefully reflect and perhaps wait until the pressure of the holiday is over. Some people just don’t do well with rising to a prescribed set of expectations and have their own way of showing how much they love and care for you and holidays can bring out the worst in people as well, as so many of us have some “history” with holidays that doesn’t serve us well.

If this issue has been ongoing and this truly is just the final straw, then perhaps it’s time to get some information and explore your options. Our Providers are happy to help you to understand your options and the amicable divorce process, so that you can create a plan and feel equipped to make a decision.

Remember, divorce doesn’t have to be completely ugly, and it very often (to many people’s surprise) is not. The amicable divorce process for uncontested divorces often brings ex-spouses closer in the long run by alleviating the stress and pressure of the unhappy marriage and allowing couples to come to agreements about what makes sense and is best for everyone involved. Because the horrible things aren’t usually said, awful battles involving attorneys aren’t in the mix, and using the kids as leverage to get what you want or punish your spouse isn’t an option, perhaps an amicable divorce is the best gift you can give yourself (and your spouse) for Valentine’s Day, and by this time next year, perhaps you’ll both be in a better place. 

Contact a Provider near you to learn more about your amicable divorce options.


The author of this blog is not an attorney or accountant and the information contained in these blogs should not be considered legal or accounting advice. Please do not hesitate to seek the advice of an attorney and/or accountant if you have any legal or accounting questions.

Cindy Elwell
Founder, Divorce With Dignity

I believe that we are much better off making our own decisions about our private lives, instead of leaving it in the hands of the legal system.
