Bronwyn Kay Galloway

Bronwyn Kay Galloway

The Flood Building, 870 Market Street, Suite 1164, San Francisco, CA 94102

Divorce, by definition, marks the legal dissolution of a marriage, often navigating through challenging emotions and complex legal processes. Yet, at Divorce With Dignity – San Francisco, we believe divorce and dignity can indeed go hand-in-hand.

Dignity embodies the essence of being worthy of honor and respect, and that’s precisely what our approach aims to uphold. In a refreshing departure from traditional courtroom battles, we offer a collaborative paradigm focused on honoring the partnership and transitioning into separate lives with respect and understanding.

Our mission is simple yet profound: to guide you through an amicable divorce process that’s both peaceful and cost-effective. Unlike litigating matters with divorce lawyers, our mediation process not only saves you thousands of dollars but also ensures a better outcome. We facilitate conflict resolution, assist with child support calculations, and handle all necessary paperwork to finalize your uncontested divorce swiftly and fairly through the family court system.

In California, a significant percentage of divorces are amicable, and our office fosters an environment where you’re never pressured into anything that doesn’t feel right for you. If reaching an agreement is possible, you may not even need to step foot in court. We take care of everything, allowing you to focus on navigating your new path forward with grace and confidence.

At Divorce With Dignity, transparency is paramount. There are no retainers or hidden costs. Our diverse clientele, including some fellow attorneys, reflects our commitment to understanding and supporting individuals from all walks of life through this challenging process.

We know it’s not easy, but rest assured, we’re here to support you and your children every step of the way. Let us help you achieve a peaceful resolution as you embark on this new chapter of your life.


At Divorce With Dignity-San Francisco, our mission is to help clients achieve an amicable no-court divorce. Rather than promoting divorce, our goal is to help our clients find a safe place, when they must go through the divorce process, and to help them leave broken, unhappy relationships in a dignified, amicable manner.


  • Take each step from start to finish;
  • Understand the divorce process and keep your peace of mind;
  • Make sure your divorce is done properly with professional expertise; and
  • Save time, money, and frustration during this difficult transition.


  • Divorce Planning and Facilitation: If you’re unsure of what you’d like to do, we will educate you on the process, evaluate which issues are in agreement/disagreement and then help you come up with an informal plan of action.
  • Online Mediation: If clients are in disagreement on certain issues, we’ll help the clients reach an agreement through formal mediation. As a certified mediator, we serve as a neutral third party, and work with the clients to resolve disagreements and move through the process amicably.
  • Legal Document Preparation: Once clients are in agreement, we will process and file your documents with the court so that you don’t have to appear in court.


  • Adoption
  • Child Custody
  • Divorce Planning and Facilitation
  • Family Law Documents
  • Legal Separation
  • Living Trust & Will
  • Name Change
  • Proofreading
  • Qualified Domestic Relations Order
  • Restraining Order
  • Small Claims
  • Subpoenas
  • Unlawful Detainer
  • Visitation (Grandparent)

More about Bronwyn


Juris Doctorate
, Public Interest Law, John F. Kennedy University, Berkeley, CA – December 2009

Master of Arts, Social Psychology, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA – May 2001

California Certified Residential Manager – Apartment Association, San Francisco, CA – April 1998

Bachelor of Arts, Human Communication, University of San Francisco, CA – May 1994

Associate of Arts, Public Speaking, College of Marin, Kentfield, CA – May 1990


Various Law Firms – Office Manager, Paralegal, Secretary – San Francisco, CA – 1995 to 2021

United Nations Association – Executive Committee Secretary – San Francisco, CA – 2009-2017

Nob Hill Apartment Building – On-Site Property Manager – San Francisco, CA – 1998-2004

Judicial Council of California, Graduate Student Paid Intern, San Francisco, CA – 1994-1995


Since the late 1990s, Bronwyn has graciously received certificates, plaques, and other awards for her international human rights activism (including speeches and panel work), law firm accomplishments, and overall volunteering.

Professional Registration

Legal Document Assistant: #2024-0000089



Bronwyn made me feel taken care of and I had a very positive experience every step of the way during a very painful circumstance. Her communication was impeccable, she always responded quickly to my emails and calls. She is warm, compassionate and approachable and I have already recommended her to a few people. -Debbie J.

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Bronwyn has followed rock band U2 worldwide MORE THAN 100 times since 1984. They’ve inspired her to become a human rights activist, including as a delegate at the Commission on Status of Women Conference at the United Nations headquarters in NYC.

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