How Long Does It Take to Heal After a Divorce?

How Long Does It Take to Heal After a Divorce?

Depends on the process you use to go through your divorce.  If you have an attorney, it may take years to heal.   My divorce happened about 30 years ago when my children were 7 and 10 years old.  My ex and I each had attorneys and we fought it out in court.  Not just...

How Do You Feel When You Think About Divorce?

I bet you don’t feel very good. Do you feel like a failure? Are you unhappy? Are you sad? Are you feeling frustrated? Are you feeling helpless? Are you feeling like you don’t know what to do? Well, I know you’re feeling all these things and more. These are all very...

Are You Feeling All Alone?

Well, you certainly don’t have to do this all by yourself; there is a lot of support available to help you get through your divorce, and the support this article discusses refers to support outside the legal profession. For instance, there are divorce support groups...